What is the Word

What is the Word

folly for to
for to
what is the word
folly from this
all this
folly from all this
folly given all this
folly seeing all this
what is the word
this this
this this here
all this this here
folly given all this
folly seeing all this this here
for to
what is the word
seem to glimpse
need to seem to glimpse
folly for to need to seem to glimpse
what is the word
and where
folly for to need to seem to glimpse what where
what is the word
over there
away over there
afar away over there
afaint afar away over there what
what is the word
seeing all this
all this this
all this this here
folly for to see what
seem to glimpse
need to seem to glimpse
afaint afar away over there what
folly for to need to seem to glimpse afaint afar away over there what
what is the word

what is the word

Samuel Beckett,
What is the Word,


- Chateau Toutigeac Bordeaux Aoc 2006
st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) } Definitivamente é difícil encontrar um bom Bordeaux na faixa de preços deste blog. Este vinho, importado pela Sociedade da Mesa, me custou R$34,50. É elaborado pela Vignobles Toutigeac, a partir de um corte de Merlot...

- Filmes (55)
1408 Olin: I have never used the word "phantom". Enslin: Oh, I'm sorry. Uh, spirit? Specter? Olin: No, you misunderstand. Whatever's in 1408 is nothing like that. Enslin: Then what is it? Olin: It's an evil fucking room. ...

@ 1. In order to speak of oral poetry I must necessarily speak of written poetry. @ 2. Let me then begin at the beginning: the notion of poetry on which I'll stake my claims here does not emerge until after the fall of the trobar. @ 3. The trobar,...

In the Electronic Revolution I advance the theory that a virus IS a very small unit of word and image. I have suggested now such units can be biologically activated to act as communicable virus strains. Let us start with three tape recorders in The Garden...

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