
@ 1. In order to speak of oral poetry I must necessarily speak of written poetry.

@ 2. Let me then begin at the beginning: the notion of poetry on which I'll stake my claims here does not emerge until after the fall of the trobar.

@ 3. The trobar, or the art of the troubadours, finds expression in the canso, a form that unites word and sound.

@ 4. The trobar indissolubly interlaces a particular language and its music. The Provençal term for this craft is entrebescar.

@ 5. The breaking of the bond between word and sound, which occurred during the fourteenth century, brought about a new double form called poetry. This form would combine the words of a language in writing and in speech such that they would be indissociable.

@ 6. That other form which brings word and sound together has by no means disappeared; we call it song.

@ 7. A song is not a poem and a poem is not a song.

@ 8. The words of a song deprived of their sounds may constitute a poem; or not. The words of a poem put to music may constitute a song; or not.

@ 9. It’s an insult to poetry to call it song. It’s an insult to song to call it poetry.

@Prelude: Poetry and Orality, Jacques Roubaud, trad. por Jean-Jacques Poucel, in The Sound of Poetry, the Poetry of Sound, ed. por Marjorie Perloff e Craig Dworkin, The Univ. of Chicago Press, 2009.


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