Green Velvet (1)

Green Velvet (1)

Good evening, parents. Tonight, I'm going to take you on a tour of Club Bad, where all the bad kiddies go, to try to leave their bodies, by various means of methods, anything necessary, some things that you won't quite be accustomed to.

So I've equipped each and everyone of you with your own individual camera, so that you could take pictures of these bad little kiddies doing bad little things, for tomorrow's paper. So that will be 15 dollars, and prepare to enter Club Bad.

Wouldn't you know it, not here more than thirty seconds and already I see a bad little kid doin' bad little things. He is sucking on a balloon. Now, this is not an ordinary balloon, parents, it's a balloon filled with the gas called nitrous oxide, laughing gas, he he he he, ha ha ha ha, but this is no laughing matter. Camera's ready, prepare the flash.

Now overhere we have little Johnny and Miss Sue, smokin' on a joint. This is not the thing to do, I think that we have to take pictures of these two. Camera's ready, prepare the flash

Now overhere we have some naughty naughty kids, they brought in their own liquor to the party. Now we cannot have that, now parents, can we? Six packs and pipes, I think not. So,
camera's ready, prepare the flash.


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