O Meme de A a Z

O Meme de A a Z

Este veio daqui [this came from here]. Decidi responder porque achei realmente engraçado — embora tenha tendência a odiar esta forma virtual de corrente de amor... [Decided to answer because I found this one really funny — even hating this virtual kind of love chain...]

A menina S viu-me a fazer isto e também quis brincar. [Ms. S saw me doing this and also wanted to play.] Assim, [Thus,]

A preto, negrito, as perguntas (duh). [In black, bold, the questions (duh).]
A azul, as minhas respostas. [In blue, my answers.]
A cor-de-rosa, ou isso, as da S. [In pink, or something similar, hers.]

A. Attached or single? Attached and happy. / Forever attached.

B. Best Friend? I have no friends! / Money.

C. Cake or Pie? Cake. / Cake.

D. Day of Choice? It's all the same shit! / Friday.

E. Essential Item? Keys. Cellphone. Paper Tissues. Wallet with cash and cards. Lip balm. /Cellphone when he's not at home, a bottle of water, lipstick, toothbrush, toothpaste and sunglasses.

F. Favourite Colour? Black. It never compromises. / Purple.

G. Gummy Bears or Worms? I hate both! / Worms.

H. Hometown? Oh, Jesus. Castelo Branco. It's a fine lill' city. / Guarda. Another fine lill' city.

I. Favourite Indulgence? Epicureanism is a system of philosophy based upon the teachings of Epicurus... (blah blah) :P Ok, lots of them, but not sodomy. Not as a passive element. Gosh. /Alcohol, drugs, pills.

J. January or July? July, despite the light and the heat. Rain depresses me a lot... / January.

K. Kids? Nah. / Never, ever.

L. Life Isn’t Complete Without? Oxygen! Alcohol! Oil! :) Love... / J., money, alcohol, animals, makeup, good sleeping time.

M. Marriage Date? Me dunno. Me little. / When he will ask me to.

N. Number of Siblings? One. My half retarded brother — he resembles Chris Griffin from Family Guy, a LOT. / Kinda none.

O. Oranges or Apples? Apples. But our guinea pigs would prefer the oranges, I guess. /Orange juice!!!

P. Phobias? Spiders. / Fire, bugs, the unknown — whatever it is, to lose my mind, being poor, but the biggest one: to lose his love.

Q. Quote? Randomly, OK? «The face of evil is always the face of total need.» — W.S.Burroughs dixit. / «Nothing is true, everything is permitted» — Hassan-i-Sabbah, via old uncle Bill Burroughs — she says. Erm... WSB again. A few years have passed since we read something from the man for the last time. Is this becoming a bit awkward? Huh? Huh?

R. Reason to Smile? She loves me. / He loves me, I am not poor, my guinea pigs are healthy. I am white.

S. Season of Choice? Autumn. / Autumn.

T. Tag Five People: I won't. They wouldn't like, you know... / I don't even know 5 people.

U. Unknown Fact About Me? I can't tell! / I have a life.

V. Vegetable? Vegewhat? Kidding. Strawberries. Ah, and grapes, lol. / Tomato, cauliflower, cucumber, cherry, strawberry, orange...

W. Worst Habit? None, of course. / To chew small random bits of hard plastic stuff.

X. X-ray or Ultrasound? None, at least by now. / Ultrasound. Made possible some fine deep sea discoveries that I much like to be aware of.

Y. Your Favourite Food? Steak on the stone — always. It keeps things simple, tastes great and is the perfect canvas for great wines. / Prawns...

Z. Zodiac Sign? Taurus. / Taurus.

Weee! Acabou de sair a posta mais colorida de sempre neste blog, bolas!


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