Becket t ices [B]

Becket t ices [B]

«First back on to three. Not yet to try worsen. Simply be there again. There in that head in that head. Be it again. That head in that head. Clenched eyes clamped to it alone. Alone? No. Too. To it too. The sunken skull. The crippled hands. Clenched staring eyes. Be that shade again. In that shade again. With the other shades. Worsening shades. In the dim void.»

Samuel Beckett — Nohow On — Worstward Ho (1983)


- Mark Lanegan — The Winding Sheet
Saw God staring from the wall / I was alone and lost / Here to take me from this world / Still alone and lost. Night when the dogs from hell come out / Roam my house in chains of gold / The darkness dares my eyes to close / With the setting sun. Saw...

- Acid Under My Nails
Oh, como gostava de ler "The Toilet Diaries" quando era mais miúdo! Pena que tenha desaparecido sem deixar rasto. Hm, onde estará o putobebe daqui a, digamos, dez anos? I think I always liked the idea of being crazy. Instead of going hard core I took...

- The Golden Palominos — Dead Inside
I feel the motion of the car before I open my eyes. The air is blue-black, brown-black, black-black. Smell of gas, oil, animals. I'm in the trunk. My wrists and ankles tied. Tape over my mouth, it almost covers my nose, but I can breathe barely. I...

- Becket T Ices [c]
«What when words gone? None for what then. But say by way of somehow on somehow with sight to do. With less of sight. Still dim and yet. No. Nohow so on. Say better worse words gone when nohow on. Still dim and nohow on. All seen and nohow on. What words...

- Simpsonize Me?
Bem, estou farto de andar para aí com fotos do Bonga em tudo o que é meu avatar. Também já reparei que a moda para quem não se quer mostrar é utilizar umas bonequinhas, meio desenhadas, meio moldadas em 3D. Pois eu que sou puro e tímido e por isso...

