
The game began the same way as game four, with a Caro Kann defense. Instead of playing a weird sideline as he did in Game four, this time Garry played the main line. Deep Blue also played the main line for White; in fact, the main line that Garry as White used against Anatoly. Garry was in a familiar territory, albeit from the opposite side of the chessboard. On Garry's seventh move, after spending nearly two minutes, he played 7. ... h6. Deep Blue instantly replied Nxe6, giving up a Knight for a pawn. Garry acted a little bit surprised, but then played the next few moves very fast, as did Deep Blue. Both sides were still in book. In the auditorium, Yasser was saying that Garry had blundered and transposed the move. He also said that Garry was in terror and distress. None of us in the operations room, including Ken, believed this. It was inconceivable that Garry, with his legendary memory, could have forgotten an opening line that he had played many times, albeit usually from the White side. Garry's expression was also more one of surprise rather than terror and distress. Those emotions would come later. So what did happen? An International Master in Kasparov's camp was quoted the next day in the newspaper that the 7. ... h6 move was one agreed upon earlier. Garry himself stated months later in an interview that he regretted the decision to play 7. ... h6. So the move was never a slip of the finger as it was characterized in news articles immediately following the match. It was played by design. So why did Garry play the move? Black's position was generally considered difficult at best after the Knight sacrifice. This is true in games played by human players, but it is not true in games played between computers and human players. The commercial chess programs apparently had serious problems avoiding losing the game as White! Several Grandmasters had tried playing the Black side of the game positions against the top commercial chess programs and were able to win every single game. This fact did not come out until well after the match, but by then the media had moved on to other stories. What Garry played in game six on move seven was a very risky anti-computer chess move. 

in Behind Deep Blue: Building the Computer that Defeated the World Chess Champion;
Feng-Hsiung Hsu; Princeton Univ. Press, 2002.


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